Do you expect your customers or your team to react logically?
You will often be disappointed if you do!
Fans of the Star Trek series will remember Leonard Nimoy playing the character Spock, who was half human and half Vulcan. The emotional human half was suppressed by the unemotional Vulcan half and Spock often found himself struggling to understand his human colleagues’ emotional reactions.
Your customers are not Vulcans or robots. How you make them feel is at least as important as how well you do your job / provide your service.
How you make them feel is going to be determined by their interaction with your team – so your team (who are also human, not Vulcan or robot) must appreciate that how they make the customer feel is crucial.
If your team are not happy and enthusiastic about your business they will struggle to make the customer feel loved and valued.
Have you ever been served in the local supermarket by the Saturday girl who quite clearly did not want to be at work – she’d rather be hanging out with her friends or still in bed?
Every time your customer or prospect connects to your business they form an impression of the business.
It’s not just when you are on your best behaviour, giving a fantastic sales presentation, or when they’ve come to see you at a trade show. It’s all the little contacts in between, from the receptionist through the customer support team to the sales team and the directors.
You can deliver the best product, the best possible service and get everything right, but if your customer doesn’t feel good about doing business with you it won’t matter.
Remembering the sayings “A man who never made a mistake never made anything” and “to err is human” aiming for a satisfied customer really won’t get you to the point where you can slip up, make a mistake, provide poor service, and be forgiven.
Turning your customers into raving fans not only creates easy sales wins – they will refer business – it also cushions you against any shortfall in service.