I was in a management meeting not very long ago where everyone had something to say on almost every subject. The meeting went on, and on, and on….!
I was reminded of the quotation
“If I Had More Time, I Would Have Written a Shorter Letter”
The source of which is most probably Blaise Pascal – but of course the original was in French so it is not a direct translation.
I was also reminded of a talk given by my colleague in the Speakers’ Association, Peter Milligan, where he referred to some guidance he was given early in his career. I could summarise that as don’t speak unless you have something to add.
I’ve had the delights of doing business all over the world, often with companies and individuals where their first language is not English. Sometimes communication from these clients and prospects requires a level of interpretation – it is difficult to determine exactly what they mean – and it can be made far worse when they try to be polite and use elaborate language.
Even in the same office, unnecessary communication is an ever increasing time waster. I remember years ago taking a call from a colleague who was repeating some information he had previously send me in an email! One or the other, please not both!
How many emails do you get that you don’t need to respond to? How many that are copied to you for information only?
I heard some time ago of a manager who instructed his team not to send him emails unless they wanted him to take action. I am not sure I would go that far.
If you can make each business communication direct and to the point (still polite, of course) and each interjection in a meeting something that adds real value and moves the meeting forward, you will be much more productive and efficient.